Monday, March 31, 2008

logging synchronous Command - Networking How-to

logging synchronous Command

Router(config)#line con 0

Router(config-line)#logging synchronous

Turns on synchronous logging. Information items sent to console will not interrupt the command you are typing. The command will be moved to a new line


Ever try to type in a command and an informational line appears in the middle of what you were typing? Lose your place? Do not know where you are in the command, so you just press Enter and start all over? The logging synchronous command will tell the router that if any informational items get displayed on the screen, your prompt and command line should be moved to a new line, so as not to confuse you.

The informational line does not get inserted into the middle of the command you are trying to type. If you were to continue typing, the command would execute properly, even though it looks wrong on the screen.